Recent Projects


React app designed with older adults in mind. A simple medication reminder system made with accessibility and ease of use as primary concerns. Uses Twilio API to send text message reminders. Built with MongoDB, Mongoose, Materialize, React, HTML, CSS, Axios, Node, Express, Git, and Heroku.

Kitchen Collective

Kitchen Collective

Website with MySQL database designed for a local non profit group. Used Git in collaboration with Miriam Khaled and Mike Morales following the MVC architectural pattern and using Sequelize, MySQL, Mocha, Chai, RESTful APIs, jQuery, JavaScript, Materialize, CSS, HTML, Git and Heroku.

Velo News

Velo News

Scrape the web for cycling news. A full-stack app that uses MongoDB and Mongoose to keep and retrieve scraped data. Make notes in articles you like and save your notes.

REACT Travel Memory Game

A first functioning app made with React. Pick a photo and try to remember. Don't click the same photo twice.

Lazy Chef

Open the fridge then open the app. Solves the problem of what's for dinner. Enter a few simple ingredients and retrieve recipes you can make. Collaborated using Git with Miriam Khaled and Papa Deere. Built with Firebase, jQuery, Javascript, AJAX, Spoonacular API, JSON, Materialize, HTML and CSS.

REACT Travel Memory Game

A first functioning app made with React. Pick a photo and try to remember. Don't click the same photo twice.

Gulf Coast Concealment

Currently in development. Website and online store created for a small business in Sarasota, Florida. Designed pages and functionality according to client's specifications using WordPress, JavaScript, CSS and HTML. Maintain website. Consulted with client to help them discover the needs of their business.

Devouring Burgers

An app to demonstrate how to use Sequelize ORM. Originally, I built the same app using a custom ORM and then converted it to use Sequelize using MVC architectural pattern. Built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript,Handlebars, jQuery, AJAX, Node, and Express.

Friend Finder

An app that uses MySQL database to find the perfect match. Built with Boostrap, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, Express and Git.


Created a command line app that uses APIs from Spotify, Twitter, and OMDB to interpret language. Built using Express and Node and JavaScript.